There are no EXIT buttons in this game of life.
The only way to exit is to reach your true goal, and mind you if you are still meeting challenges after reaching your goal, it only means you haven’t reached your true goal.

There are a few methods that can help you find your true goal, and the easiest way to have a heart to heart discussion with your heart. It knows the game, it knows the rules and everything that you need to know to survive and reach your goal. Your heart will tell you what it truly desires.

However, the game of life equips you with certain skills and equipments to help to combat the challenges. The weapon that is entrusted to you is your mind. It has the ability to combat your challenges if you use it wisely, but also to defeat and deceive you with false hopes and goals if you are not aware and alert. Values such being honest, loving, peace, non-violence and practicing right conduct are your bearings to ensure you are moving down the right path. By practicing austerities, you can then upgrade your weapon to a higher level. As you move along the game, the challenges get tougher, you get more attached to mundane things in life and you start finding it difficult to focus on your true goal. Other things may seem more important and you may feel you lack the ability and strength to reach the goal. Do not be duped by these two cousins of Time and Space. They are bound by your mind. Break the mind, and they will be unbound too.

When you reach the end of the game, the goal will be waiting just beyond the door. However the door is tiny, and miniscule, and here is where you drop everything you have to travel along the small dark path to reach the goal. Surrendering everything you own, every action and word and only when you own nothing of your own, you reach your true goal. You then become the goal yourself.

Your first and only clue to win this game:-

Follow the master,
Face the devil,
Fight to the end,
Finish the game
1 Response
  1. Qingki Says:

    Your blog getting more and more philosophical...

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